AntOS 0.2.0a "Localization" release

AntOS 0.2.0-alpha is out now. The big change in this release is the support of localization. The UI now support multi-languages rendering based on the current system locale setting.


Change logs

  • The API now automatically translate text base on the current system locale setting
  • Current locales supported:
    • English: en_GB
    • French: fr_FR
    • Vietnamese: vi_VN
    • More to come...
  • Update all packages to support the new localization mechanism
  • Some minor changes:
    • Font-awesome is used as default icon font for the entire system
    • Add Setting package for system configuration
    • Wallpaper, language, VFS and startup applications/services now can be configured via Setting
    • Bug fix on some packages: File, Market Place
    • Stability improvement

Localization: how it works

Basically, when the web desktop boots up, it loads the configured system locale file from server as a dictionary. This file is in JSON format which contains all the translations of UI' translatable texts for the target locale. User operations on the web desktop (Application opening, tab changing, language changing, etc.) will obviously cause an update on the UI system. This latter will trigger the render action on the UI engine which performs many rendering tasks including text rendering. The text rendering, with the help of the localization API, in turn translates all texts available on the UI (Button, label, etc.) to the target locale before displaying to the end user. The translation involves querying the system locale dictionary.

So, how does the system know which text should be translated?

By using the localization API. Usually, there are two kinds of text which need to be translated in an application:

  • Static texts: texts embedded in the UI element. This kind of texts can be found in the scheme file (HTML-like syntax) when designing the UI
  • Dynamic texts: texts generated when user performs an action (e.g. opening a dialog, pushing a notification, etc.). The texts can be found in the Javascript/coffee code, which implements the application features. Dynamic texts are often mixed between the text that needs to be translated and the context data.

Static texts

To handle static text AntOS API introduces the directive __(..), all texts inside this directive will be automatically translated to target locale when rendering. This directive can be used directly in the UI scheme or in application code (Javascript), for example, for the UI scheme:

<!-- the text of this label will not be translated when rendering -->
<afx-label text="About"></afx-label>
<!-- the text of this label will be translated when rendering -->
<afx-label text="__(About)"></afx-label>

For application script:

// The text 'Confirm delete' wont be translated
this.openDialog("YesNoDialog", function(){}, "Confirm delete")

// The text 'Confirm delete' will be translated
this.openDialog("YesNoDialog", function(){}, "__(Confirm delete)")

Dynamic texts

Dynamic texts are often mixed between the text that needs to be translated and the application data. In our API, a dynamic text can be represented as a string_format (which is variant between locales), and a list of dynamic values (independent to locale). For example:

// the string format
str = "This is {0} version {1}"
// this is the dynamic text with application data
str.format("AntOS","0.2.0a") // --> 'This is AntOS version 0.2.0a' 

Since we cannot use the directive __(..) in this case, the API provides the global function __(string_format, values...) to handle dynamic texts. This function always returns a FormatedString object which will be automatically translated and formatted when rendering, for example:

"Welcome to {0}".format("AntOS") // produces a normal text and wont be translated

// The following methods will provide FormatedString object and can be translated automatic by our API
__("Welcome to {0}", "AntOS") // --> FormatedString
"Welcome to {0}".f("AntOS") // --> FormatedString
    when the system locale is set to fr_FR, these objects will be rendered as:
    'Bienvenue à  AntOS'

A dialog with the following code will render different texts (static and dynamic) depending on different locales:

    "__(Delete)",  // static text
    { label:__("Do you really want to delete: {0}", } // dynamic text

This is the result on three locales: en_GB, fr_FR, vi_VN :

Add your own locale to the system

Currently the system supports only three mentioned locales, but you can add your own language to the project by following these steps:

  1. Clone the project from my github repository
  2. At the top folder execute the command : echo <your locale name> | make genlang . For example for English echo en_GB | make genlang. This command will scan all available texts on the API and the packages, then generates a locale file in src/core/languages (e.g. en_GB.json for the previous command).
  3. Modify the generated file by providing the translations to the texts
  4. Make a pull request and i will integrate your locale to the web desktop

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