Jarvis: The DIY robot
It has been a while since i started to build an upgraded version of Dolly, my first DIY ROS based robot. This upgraded version is named Jarvis.
Changes from the previous version:
- Hardware:
- The robot is now use tracks instead of wheels
- Jarvis footprint is bigger and has more room to mount addition components
- Jarvis uses NVIDIA Jetson Nano as high-level control board instead of Raspberry 3B (used in Dolly). The Jetson board has more GPU and processing power, and is suitable for machine learning stuffs (with the camera).
- Jarvis uses step-down voltage regulator instead of step-up regulator (Dolly), the regulator provide more juice (up to 3A for each output)
- 128 GB USB based SSD for operating system and storage instead of SD card
- Software:
- Linux Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS 2 is used instead of ROS (on Dolly)
As a work in progress, I'm now writing a booklet that detail the building process of the robot both on hardware and soft software (Arduino, ROS 2), as well as some application use cases. The initial plan is:
- Introduction
- Robot modeling and simulating with ROS 2 and Gazebo
- Building the robot hardware step by step
- Basic robot controlling software with ROS 2
- Use case projects: such as localisation and mapping, autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance with machine learning, etc.
All further updates on the booklet can be found here: https://doc.iohub.dev/jarvis/.
Stay tunned!!!